söndag, maj 24, 2009

Blogga, och det skall varda dig givet

Häromsistens bloggade jag om Heston Blumenthals The Big Fat Duck Cookbook, illustrerad av Dave McKean.

Idag fick jag en tidig fyrtioårspresent.

En tändsticksask ovanpå kartongen som storleksjämförelse.

Ett barn ovanpå boken som storleksjämförelse.


Pärmens framsida

McKean-illustrationer (v.v. bortse från fotografens tumme)

Och så de första styckena från Harold McGees förord:
This is a cookbook like no cookbook I've ever seen.

At first glance it looks right. It calls itself a cookbook, bears the names of a famous chef and restaurant, tells a story of struggle rewarded with stars, and proceeds to recipes and close-ups. But the recipes are dwarfed by their head-notes, and they're followed by a set of disquisitions on, among other things, perfume and acids and the science of chewing. From a perfumer and a physicist and a chewing specialist. Then there's the startling art, the telescoping typography. Surprise!

This book is serious fun. It nudges us to set aside our preconceptions about cookbooks and restaurant dining, and enjoy watching them made new. It plays with our minds to help us taste food afresh.
Tack, snälla mor!

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